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Physiotherapy Concepts

Physiotherapy is neither a transformation, nor a substitute, nor an alternative to medicine, but rather a complement. Physiotherapy does not cure, but rather relieves and prevents. It intervenes in the pathological processes of all specialties of physical medicine and rehabilitation whenever the application of any of its modalities is indicated under medical prescription. That is why throughout the following document I would like to highlight the scope of action of physiotherapy, the wide range that it presents to us, so that it can serve as a guide and orientation for doctors, veterinarians, patients and pet owners with the sole objective of achieving optimization of results in the treatment and recovery of patients; providing one more tool that facilitates the process.

The history of Physiotherapy must be understood as the set of actions, methods and techniques that have been based on the use of physical agents in order to promote health. Thus, since primitive man, we find references to natural treatments or treatments based on physical agents to combat the disease. Initially associated with magical-religious rituals, they have evolved to become, today, a complement to medicine.


Currently, the following definition of physiotherapy is given as valid: "a set of methods, actions and techniques, which through the application of physical means prevent diseases, promote health, recover, enable, and readapt patients affected by somatic dysfunctions or which it is desired to maintain at an adequate level of health. It includes the execution of precise electrical and manual tests to determine the value of the affectation of muscular innervation and strength, tests to determine functional capacities, the range of joint movement, and measurements of vital capacity, as well as diagnostic aids for the control of evolution".

Thus, we find that physiotherapy must be oriented towards achieving a double function:

Healthcare function: relationship that the physiotherapist, as a health professional, establishes with a healthy and sick society with the purpose of preventing, curing and recovering through the actions and techniques of physiotherapy.

Research function: participating in studies specific to their discipline and adapting to new scientific advances that occur.

As a result of the maturity that this discipline reaches and a consequence of the increasing integration of animals into human life, not only in quantity but also in quality, where the well-being of the pet acquires progressive importance, veterinary physiotherapy emerges. The consolidation of this discipline has been based on the owners' own demands for less invasive, more natural and more economical techniques. Veterinary medicine has not been immune to the evolution of medicine and has been integrating therapeutic complements until now external to the animal world with very good results. Physiotherapy is one of them, and its widely known benefits in human medicine have been transferred to animals.

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